Welcome To SFD&T
Society for Development & Training (SFD&T) is a voluntary organization started its interventions in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The organization since its inception is solely focused on uplifting Health Services, Education & Vocational Training for Employment and Self-employment generation for the weaker sections of the society and in particular youth and women.
We are one of the premier Education and Skill Development institute with 17 years of experience in the field of Health Sector, Environment, Handicraft, Women Empowerment, Child Labor, Rural Development, Sanitation, Livelihood, Employment generation, Poverty Alleviation and other allied sectors. In addition to this, computer education and technical training courses with special focus on SKILL DEVELOPMENT are also being conducted.
We strive to work for the welfare and development of the landless laborers, marginal farmers, unemployed youth, women and inspire people who are disadvantaged by now.
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Testimonials about center
We have an excellent teacher to child ratio at our Kindergarten to ensure that each child receives the attention he or she needs
My younger son returns very happy with all activities happening at your school every day. I am glad that my son is being taught in your school. You have the motst qualified teachers.
Mr. Alexander
KVS - PRT 2020My younger son returns very happy with all activities happening at your school every day. I am glad that my son is being taught in your school. You have the motst qualified teachers.
Mr. Mariah
KVS - PRT 2020My younger son returns very happy with all activities happening at your school every day. I am glad that my son is being taught in your school. You have the motst qualified teachers.